The theme is "BEST FAMILY PHOTO" contest.

Here's the SIMPLE steps...
1. Find your BEST FAMILY photo (must include at least one parent and one child, extended families welcome too) done
Mama,Qaseh, and Abah at our home town "Penang" during holiday
2. Blog about it with the title "MOBS END OF YEAR CONTEST" (other title will be disqualified) done
3. Mention about the contest in your blog with links back to MOBS contest page. done
4. Add MOBS contest banner on your blog's sidebar/top page done
5. Be MOBS follower on blogspot, tweeter and/or Facebook (either one or all) -done, follower facebook with name (wan by using anish_fatihah@yahoo.com)
6. Leave a comment at MOBS blog with blog link + email address (no email will be disqualified)
3. Mention about the contest in your blog with links back to MOBS contest page. done
4. Add MOBS contest banner on your blog's sidebar/top page done
5. Be MOBS follower on blogspot, tweeter and/or Facebook (either one or all) -done, follower facebook with name (wan by using anish_fatihah@yahoo.com)
6. Leave a comment at MOBS blog with blog link + email address (no email will be disqualified)
For detail please refer:
semoga berjaya mama, qaseh dan abah...
Hi sis, tq for joining MOBS contest. Sha dah chk.. semua ckp syarat.... kecuali sidebar contest banner tu.... pls link to CONTEST page bukan MOBS page ya...
good luck ya !!
dah betulkan dah.. link pada side bar tu..
salam perkenalan
and all the best!
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